
Deborah Szekely

Museum Founder

Museum Board of Directors

Deborah Szekely, Founder & Chair Emeritus

Rosa Buettner, Chairman of the Board

Dan McAllister, Treasurer

Denice Garcia, Director

Dr. Michael “Mick” Hager, Director

Chef Michel Malecot, Director

Carlos Wellman, Director

Linda Caballero Sotelo, Executive Director

Phyllis Quan, Board Advisor

Robert Caplan, Chief Legal Counsel

Tsi-tsi-ki Félix, Board Member

Advisors & Emeriti BOD:

Dr. Charles Reilly, Dr. Mary Walshok, Chef Su Mei Yu, Sr. RayMonda Duvall, Dame Zandra Rhodes, Sheila Lipinsky, and Rear Adm. Joe Betancourt (ret.)

Museum Team


Linda Caballero Sotelo

Executive Director

Linda Caballero Sotelo is the Executive Director and Chief Curator of the New Americans Museum & Immigration Learning Center. A naturalized US citizen and first generation immigrant born and raised in Tijuana, Mexico, Linda has over 20 years of senior executive leadership experience, but it is her deep commitment to the advancement of all Americans particularly people of color, immigrants and the disenfranchised that continues to drive her commitment to equality and social justice. Linda believing in the power of civic engagement as a catalyst for the integration, inclusion, empowerment and celebration of multi generational immigrant contributions into the American experience. Drop her a line at


Celia C.J. Solis

Director of Operations

Celia C.J. Solis is the Director of Operations for the New Americans Museum where she brings a wealth of knowledge and skills to the day-to-day operations and sustainability of NAM.

She emigrated from the Philippines as a child and hails from a civic minded family, with a father who served in the US Navy and a brother in law enforcement. Celia has ample experience in corporate & non profit sectors. Contact her at